• 29 Jun, 2024

Taylah Evans: A Multifaceted Artistic Journey

Taylah Evans: A Multifaceted Artistic Journey


I've been a performer since as far back as I can remember. My mother owns a dance school in Tasmania, where I'm originally from, so you could say I was born into the world of performance. From a young age, I dabbled in singing, dancing, and acting lessons, eventually transitioning into musicals, competitions, and gigs during my teenage years. Later on, I made the move to Melbourne to study musical theatre full-time. However, after a few years of immersing myself in musical theatre, I began to yearn for more creative freedom, a stronger sense of self, and, frankly, an excuse to sing more—since that was my favorite and strongest skill. Becoming a recording artist and writing music had always been a dream of mine. Thanks to some downtime during the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to turn that dream into a goal.

In 2021, I initiated a project called "The Cover Series" as a soft launch to introduce myself as an artist, with the knowledge that I intended to release original music in the future. This project comprised five reimagined cover songs performed with a band, all of which were released on streaming platforms, accompanied by music videos. It allowed me to set up my music social media platforms and Spotify/Apple Music artist profiles. As the dust settled on that project in 2022, I began writing what would eventually become my EP album, working closely with my producer and good friend, Ayrton. Fast forward a year of writing sessions, photoshoots, radio interviews, and more, we've released three singles and are eagerly anticipating the EP album's launch in a few months. I feel more like myself than ever, and every day brings new discoveries about myself, my music, and the industry. I'm incredibly proud of what we've achieved so far and can't wait to see what the future holds.

Unique Musical Style

I'm constantly experimenting with my musical style with each new song we create. While I'd classify it all under the pop umbrella, some songs, like "Honeymoon Phase," have more of an R&B flavor, while others, such as "Fall Easy" and "About You," lean more towards alt-pop with electro-pop, ethereal, and dark-pop vibes. Some tracks on the album even delve into hip-hop and rock territory. Given my background as a singer/dancer, I like to create songs that are perfect for belting in the car as well as those that are more production-heavy for dancing. My producer, Ayrton, who I collaborate with closely, also has a background in singing and dancing, which means we're always on the same page when it comes to the sound we want to create.

Musical Influences

My diverse background in singing, dancing, and musical theatre means my inspiration comes from a wide array of sources. Artists like Billie Eilish have had a profound impact on me. I even covered her song "No Time to Die" as part of my cover series project, and I felt an immediate connection to her style. This connection heavily influenced my first single, "About You." I also draw inspiration from artists like Dove Cameron, Sabrina Carpenter, and Madison Beer, not only for their vocal talents but also for their brand, style, and ability to put a dark and mysterious twist on the stereotypical "nice/innocent/pretty girl" look. Furthermore, artists like SZA, Frank Ocean, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and many others inspire my songwriting.

Songwriting Process

My songwriting process is deeply personal. I would describe my writing style as raw and detailed, akin to reading my diary. It might be because I was raised to be professional and mature, to avoid airing my dirty laundry on social media or sharing controversial opinions. I was always conscious of my family's reputation and was taught to be the bigger person and let things go. Now, through my music, I can let it all out and finally share my honest thoughts, feelings, and side of the story about various events in my life. This is essentially the premise of my album.

Career Highlights

While my music career is just beginning, I've been fortunate to travel the world through my work in theater. In 2019, I worked with Norwegian Cruise Lines in the musical "Rock of Ages," which took me to the Caribbean, the USA, the Bahamas, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. I'm also a vocalist for "The Diamonds," which allowed me to perform in Japan and South Korea earlier this year. Additionally, I produce a show in my hometown of Hobart, Tasmania, called "A Christmas Cabaret." This annual event celebrates professional and up-and-coming performers from Tasmania and has enjoyed three successful years, with another installment scheduled for December this year. In terms of my music, some highlights so far include multiple radio interviews to promote my singles and my latest single, "Fall Easy," reaching tens of thousands of listeners worldwide. That said, I'm optimistic that the best moments of my music career are yet to come.

Artistic Growth

My growth as an artist over the past year has been tremendous. The confidence and self- assuredness I've gained after releasing my work to the world have driven me to do more and believe in myself more. I owe much of this growth to Ayrton, my creative partner in all of this, who consistently believed in me even when I didn't. Without his support and his incredible ability to bring my ideas to life, I wouldn't be where I am today. Just six months ago, I felt like a musical theater performer striving to become a recording artist. Now, I couldn't be more certain that this is what I'm meant to do.

Live Performances

I've performed on stage hundreds of times throughout my life, but performing as Taylah Evans, the musician, is an entirely different experience. It's both scary and amazing. We recently filmed a live performance of "Fall Easy," and it felt fantastic to let my guard down and share my story. I'm currently in the process of organizing a live show in January, and I can't wait to perform songs from my album. Stay tuned!

Message to Aspiring Artists

Trust your instincts and be yourself. Thank you for being a part of the beginning of my journey; we're just getting started.

Valerie W.

Valerie is the writer of Wavy Music Magazine, a premier destination for music industry professionals. Through her interviews, reviews, and expert insights, she keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the world of music.