• 28 Jun, 2024

Lisa from Gothenburg: Crafting Dreamy Soundscapes and Bedroom Pop

Lisa from Gothenburg: Crafting Dreamy Soundscapes and Bedroom Pop

In the vibrant music scene of Gothenburg, Sweden, a fresh voice is making waves with her unique blend of dreamy, experimental sounds. At just 24 years old, Lisa is carving out a space for herself with a style that defies easy categorization. Inspired by a diverse range of artists and genres, her music is both a personal journey and an artistic exploration. We had the pleasure of speaking with Lisa about her musical beginnings, influences, and aspirations.


A Journey Begins

Lisa's musical journey started in her early teens, influenced by a family that cherished music. "I began playing guitar and piano around the age of 12, and I always loved to sing," Lisa recalls. But it was really in her later teens that she started writing and producing. One artist that inspired her a little extra at that time was Maggie Rogers, who made her believe in her own musical potential as a fellow young aspiring female. This inspiration led her to enroll in a music production school in the fall of 2021, where she spent two transformative years honing her craft. "Those two years were very formative for me, taking me from a beginner to producing and writing an album by myself."


Crafting a Unique Sound

Describing her musical style is a challenge for Lisa, as it encompasses a wide range of influences. "I love paintive ambient music that transports you mentally, like Hiroshi Yoshimura and Brian Eno, and I also love the big, expansive sounds of 80s bands like U2," she explains. This eclectic taste is evident in her music, which blends ambient soundscapes, pop hooks, and modern electronic production. She draws significant inspiration from strong, distinctive artists like Björk, Kate Bush, and Imogen Heap, whom she considers her "holy trinity." Lisa's music is a reflection of her love for experimental, dreamy sounds and her fascination with child-like wonder and creativity.


The Songwriting Process

Lisa's approach to songwriting is as unique as her sound. "I often start with a phrase or a title that sets the theme and helps me picture the world in which the song lives," she says. Her songwriting process involves stepping into a character, often an exaggerated version of herself, to explore themes and emotions more freely. "It makes it easier to take risks in songwriting and be more honest." Lisa takes her time with each song, allowing it to develop naturally and finding its rightful place in her body of work.


Visual and Collaborative Aspirations

Visual artistry plays a crucial role in Lisa's music. She designs her album covers and other visuals herself, though she is open to collaborations. "I get millions of visual ideas when making music, and I would love to showcase those more as I move on with my career." While she hasn't yet made a music video, the idea excites her, and she welcomes potential collaborators. When it comes to musical collaborations, Lisa dreams big. "I'd love to collaborate with Caroline Polacheck or Charli XCX. Maybe we could make a rave-banger together one day," she muses.


Looking Ahead

As Lisa reflects on her nascent career, she is proud of her accomplishments so far, particularly the release of her first album. "It's something I've always wanted to do, and now it's done," she says with a sense of achievement. Looking to the future, Lisa is eager to continue growing as an artist, exploring new creative directions, and eventually performing live. "I have a lot of ideas for live performances already, and I just want to keep making stuff that feels fun and right."



Lisa's journey as a music artist is just beginning, but her passion and creativity are already evident. Her advice to aspiring musicians is simple yet profound: "I go by the principle that you should share anything you create. Because I can’t imagine if my favorite artists never shared their stuff. The world needs magic, and art is the closest thing we have to it." As Lisa continues to develop her sound and vision, there's no doubt she will leave a significant mark on the music world.

Valerie W.

Valerie is the writer of Wavy Music Magazine, a premier destination for music industry professionals. Through her interviews, reviews, and expert insights, she keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the world of music.