• 29 Jun, 2024

Dose Rose: Redefining Alt Rock in Indianapolis

Dose Rose: Redefining Alt Rock in Indianapolis

Dose Rose, an alternative rock band hailing from Indianapolis, has been carving out their niche in the music industry since their formation in early 2020. Comprised of John, Riley, Vinny, and Kris, this dynamic quartet brings a rich tapestry of influences and a profound love for music that drives their creative endeavors. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Dose Rose has emerged stronger, more cohesive, and ready to captivate audiences with their eclectic sound and thought-provoking themes.


The Journey Begins

Dose Rose’s inception is a story of resilience and passion. Formed just before the pandemic in February 2020, the band faced an immediate six-month hiatus followed by nearly a year without live performances. John and Riley, who had previously played together, reconnected in college and decided to form a new band. They soon recruited Vinny on guitar, and after several lineup changes, Kris joined on bass, solidifying the group. This serendipitous assembly of talent and friendship has been the bedrock of Dose Rose’s journey, underscoring their belief in the indispensable role of music in their lives.


A Mosaic of Musical Styles

Dose Rose’s sound is an intriguing blend of alternative rock, characterized by a diversity that defies easy categorization. From the pop-punk energy of “I Don’t Feel Bad” to the southern rock vibes of “Runnin’,” their music spans a wide range of genres. Their songs often delve into themes such as unhealthy habits, coping mechanisms, substance abuse, and existential dread. Yet, despite the darker subject matter, Dose Rose injects a sense of lightness and humor, creating a nuanced and compelling listening experience.


Influences and Inspirations

The members of Dose Rose bring a wide array of influences to their music, drawing inspiration from bands like Paramore, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, and other 90s and early 2000s alt-rock legends. Their sound is also colored by classic rock icons like Guns N' Roses and Led Zeppelin, metal bands such as Slipknot and Metallica, contemporary artists like Post Malone and XXXTentacion, and even country/bluegrass musicians like Zach Bryan and Tyler Childers. This eclectic mix of influences ensures that their music is always fresh, innovative, and deeply personal.


Creating Music Together

The songwriting process for Dose Rose is as varied as their musical influences. Songs often emerge from jam sessions during practice, with ideas being fleshed out collaboratively. In busier times, individual members like Vinny or Riley might bring initial concepts that the band then builds upon. This organic approach to songwriting allows them to capture the raw emotions and themes they wish to explore, resulting in music that resonates deeply with their listeners.


Visual Storytelling

Visual artistry is a crucial component of Dose Rose’s identity. Their visuals, from the iconic sun logo drawn by Vinny to the album covers created through collaborative brainstorming, are integral to their artistic expression. The album cover for “Rot,” for example, is a heavily edited photo of curtains from John and Vinny’s living room, demonstrating their ability to find inspiration in the everyday. These visuals not only complement their music but also help to convey the energy and ethos of the band.


Looking Ahead

As Dose Rose continues to evolve, they reflect on their artistic growth and the journey that lies ahead. The band has developed a strong musical chemistry, learning to balance and blend their individual styles. While they have begun to settle into a distinct sound, they remain open to new ideas and directions, always striving to create music that they love. Looking to the future, Dose Rose is excited to explore new creative avenues and connect with even more fans through their music.



Dose Rose’s journey is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and collaboration. Their unique blend of alternative rock, combined with their thoughtful exploration of complex themes, sets them apart in the music industry. As they continue to grow and evolve, Dose Rose is poised to make a lasting impact, both on stage and in the hearts of their listeners. For those who have been with them from the start and for new fans discovering their music, Dose Rose promises an exciting and unforgettable musical experience.

Valerie W.

Valerie is the writer of Wavy Music Magazine, a premier destination for music industry professionals. Through her interviews, reviews, and expert insights, she keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the world of music.