• 26 Jun, 2024

Progress: From Poetry to Powerful Hip-Hop

Progress: From Poetry to Powerful Hip-Hop

In the dynamic world of music, emerging artists continually push boundaries and redefine genres. One such artist making waves is Progress, a musician whose journey began with poetry and evolved into the compelling realm of hip-hop and R&B. His music, deeply rooted in personal experiences and societal observations, aims to connect with listeners on an emotional level, proving that art can be a powerful tool for expressing shared human experiences.


From Poetry to Music

Progress’s musical journey started uniquely with poetry, a medium that allowed him to express his thoughts and emotions in a healthy and impactful way. "I started with poetry," Progress recalls, "because it was a safe way for me to express myself." This initial foray into creative expression laid the foundation for his music career, which officially began during his internship at Melrose Sound, a renowned studio in Los Angeles and North Hollywood. This experience not only honed his technical skills but also deepened his understanding of the song-making process.


Artistic Influences and Style

Drawing inspiration from legendary hip-hop and R&B artists such as Nas, Kanye West, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar, Progress’s music is a rich tapestry of lyrical depth and versatile themes. "I’ve always been inspired by hip hop and R&B," he explains, "but I also want to cross over with other genres." His songs often explore profound societal issues, love, fun, and inner thoughts, creating a diverse palette that resonates with a wide audience. By touching on universal emotions like happiness, sadness, and grief, Progress ensures his music has a broad and relatable appeal.


Creating Music with a Message

Progress’s songwriting process is a reflection of his life and societal observations. "I find inspiration mostly through life and what I’m going through," he shares. This authentic approach results in music that not only entertains but also encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences and emotions. His songs, crafted with care and creativity, aim to bring a sense of commonality among listeners, making them feel understood and less alone in their struggles and joys.



As Progress continues to carve out his place in the music industry, his commitment to authenticity and emotional connection remains steadfast. His message to fans and aspiring musicians emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and letting personal experiences shape one’s art. With a promising career ahead, Progress is poised to influence and inspire many through his heartfelt and thought-provoking music. Keep an ear out for this rising artist who is set to make significant waves in the music world.

Valerie W.

Valerie is the writer of Wavy Music Magazine, a premier destination for music industry professionals. Through her interviews, reviews, and expert insights, she keeps readers up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the world of music.